JCarroll.net is my hiding place in plain sight. This content, along with the links to various other web resources, is primarily a way to remember myself--to always remain cognizant of selected events and ideas I hold dear. It is by no means comprehensive; in fact I would say that about 99% of my life goes undocumented. Nonetheless, there is still more information about me here than will likely interest you, so please, feel free to ignore. If you see some common threads, it's because the things in which I am generally interested lie somewhere inside this mess:
The beauty of the world and the analogues
between natural systems, human behavior, economics and the built environment;
Social justice and quality of life;
Meaningful discourse, critical thought,
"leisure" in the philosophical sense;
An appreciation of randomness, a desire to avoid
finding patterns where there are none;
Constant exploration--of the world, of myself,
of others, of everything; travel!
A balanced approach to enterprise and
wealth-building (that is, keeping first things first);
Creative process, visual thinking, design (and a
particular love for geometry);
Stewardship of the natural and built
environments, place-making;
A love/hate (I love to observe it/generally hate
the substance of it) relationship with pop culture;
Frugality, economy, maintenance, reusing & repairing things;
Most importantly...doing my best to always be fully present in the here and now; enjoying life with the ones I
love, making the most of our 'one time around'.